About Us
We specialize ourselves in supplying the high-quality air filters especially for both normal passenger cars to high end sports cars segment. We have more than 1000 part numbers available to over 10,000 air filter applications all together.
Company Info
We would like to introduce our company as the exclusive distributor of BMC Air Filters Italy for UAE and the Middle East regions. The main showroom and warehouse are currently located in the Emirates of Ajman and we opened a new branch in Dubai. We have been serving the UAE market for more than 2 years now. In addition, we are also serving our clients all over GCC regions to include retail and reseller accounts.
We maintain the highest quality of the products and optimum level of stocks especially for most popular cars and even the sports and off-road motorcycle models to keep up with the rising demand in the aftermarket parts industry. We specialize in supplying the high-quality air filters for both normal passenger cars to high end sports cars segment.
The concept of these handcrafted air filters is to provide our consumers high efficiency and performance with less fuel consumption. We have a wide range of products which is covering over 15,000 vehicle models. And with regards to the quality of our products, we pride ourselves of best describing it as the “Rolex of the Automotive Air filter Industry” in the market today.
Why Us?
The BMC air filter is composed of a metallic mesh containing an oiled multilayer cotton filtration material. This guarantees a high level of filtering efficiency and a limited loss of air pressure. The oil used gives the material its “sticky” adhesive characteristic which aids in the retention of air impurities without compromising or blocking air flow penetration.
BMC air filters are made of cotton, a natural material which can be reused several times. The air filter can be washed with a special detergent then re-oiled, thereby saving the cost of changing the air filter each time the vehicle is serviced and thus reducing environmental waste.
BMC operates in a number of areas: automotive, racing, aerospace, nautical and industrial, and according to the specific regulations and requirements of each sector. Consequently, BMC air filter testing is rigorous and thorough thereby ensuring a higher quality in respect to paper, foam and plastic materials. The technical solutions used by BMC are derived from the results of a continuous and intense programme of laboratory testing.